The Mustang Classic 2025
The richest English discipline mustang competition.
September 4-6, 2025 / Lexington, KY
Chelsea Canady
2024 Classic competitor, 2024 Championship finalist.
‘Photo by Ronda Gregorio.
The goal of The Mustang Classic is to showcase the skill and adaptability of the American mustang and the talented trainers that work with them in the English discipline. The event will provide the public an opportunity to witness a mustang that has been given a foundation for success on its journey from government holding to private ownership.
The Mustang Classic is open to exhibitors (ages 18 and older) that have adopted or purchased a BLM mustang between October 1, 2024 and April 15, 2025. Exhibitors must adopt or purchase their mustang from approved BLM Wild Horse & Burro facilities, approved satellite events, the Wild Horse & Burro Online Corral or any approved facility. All mustangs should be registered with Mustang Champions after adoption or purchase. As an exhibitor you will be able to compete with up to two mustangs. You do not need to own the horse to compete. All exhibitors must complete the Mustang Trainer Readiness Curriculum prior to entering the Mustang Classic completion. All exhibitors must show proof of pre-Classic show competition experience prior to the Classic competition September 4-6, 2025.
$125,000 in total cash and prizes.
Preliminary Phases I Thursday & Friday, September 4-5
Training Level Dressage
The Training Level Dressage test is designed to showcase the foundation of training and partnership between a mustang and rider through balance, flexibility and obedience.
Show Jumping
Show jumping emphasizes the partnership between the horse and rider, as they must work together to navigate the course and clear obstacles. Riders must demonstrate skill, control, and accuracy in their riding.
Working Equitation
Working Equitation is a true test of the mustang’s temperament and training, the riders skill and ability and of course the relationship between horse and rider combining dressage with obstacles.
Mustang Classic Championship Finals I Rolex Stadium
$50,000 to the Champion
Saturday, September 6
VIP Brunch - Details and Tickets coming soon
The top performing mustang and exhibitor pairs from the preliminary phases will be invited to compete in the Championship Finals, a freestyle performance to determine the Mustang Classic Champion. Scoring will be based on training level dressage and a freestyle performance. The finals event is designed to encourage riders to exhibit the athletic abilities of the mustang to the crowd in an exciting and appealing way. The exhibitor will have three and a half minutes to showcase their mustang through a creative display of choreographed maneuvers that entertain the crowd and demonstrate their horsemanship. The exhibitor will incorporate props, costumes, and music to demonstrate their skills and the talents of their mustangs.