Enter to compete by July 1, 2025.
Congratulations! You have your competition mustang(s) and are ready to enter to compete in the Mustang Classic 2025.
Please fill out the form and pay your entry fee (online). You will also need to have completed the Mustang Training Readiness Curriculum to officially be entered in the competition. Deadline for entries is July 1, 2025.
Along with completing the online Mustang Trainer Readiness Curriculum, you will need to provide proof that you have competed in a local or national competition with your mustang(s) prior to the Mustang Classic competition – September 4-6, 2025. Please see more details on what is required here >>.
You may enter to compete with up to two mustangs.
As an exhibitor you will be able to compete with up to two mustangs. You do not need to be the adopter or own the horse to compete. As the exhibitor you will be awarded any and all prize monies. *See official event rules for more information regarding entry qualifications and pay out.